Wednesday, October 13, 2004

10/13/04: Safe in Singapore

Okay everyone -

I promise not to send daily updates but I did want to let everyone know that we arrived safely after a (not so) glorious trip from LA to Tokyo to Singapore. The flight was delayed by an hour...but we "made up"time on the way so everything was on-time - which was important b/c we had important appointments here in Singapore at 1:20am when we arrived. The other highlight was the 84 Farenheit temperature (at 1am) can imagine how hot it will be today.

Thank god Deanna had the foresight to schedule an airport pick-up. It seems that my Mandarin is pretty rusty and Deanna has not spoken Tamil or Malay since fourth grade (that's a joke for those of you who don't know her).

At that point (having smartly slept on the plane like frequent world travelers) we went to eat and had a wonderful crab. The only downside was the mysterious market price although we were promised "you won't be disappointed" by the waiter who of course, we never saw again. But the food was great. The other thing was apparently this restaurant does not believe in napkins...I would have taken a picture of our hands but I didn't want to ruin the camera. Let's just say it was not one of the finer moments in etiquette.

I've already figured out that we have too much stuff. I am considering jettisoning my tuxedo and/or the portable electricity generator.

More later...(you know when we've actually done something interesting).

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